Commander Zero loaned me this book with the conditions that it is eventually returned and I share my thoughts on it. Figured a book review is as good of a way as any to share my thoughts. So here we go. Good: Comprehensive- This book talks about a whole lot of different conflicts. China, Algeria, French in Indochina, Jews vs the Arab world I, II, III, IV, Vietnam and touched on themes of African and South American conflicts. Well Researched- The guy definitely knew what he was talking about. The sheer amount of research put into this book is impressive. Brought home key themes- Successful insurgencies have safe havens behind…
Author: Ryan
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest: EDC Contest Entry #3 Mike in …
I want to share and discuss the stuff we carry around every day AKA EDC. Taking … The exact makeup is TBD depending on what I have lying around and may include books, gear, medical stuff or even a couple silver dimes.
Stuff From The Web: It’s About Controlling People Not Guns
Turns out that hammers and clubs kill more people than rifles in the US. We do not have to imagine a world without guns. Humanity already lived through it during the middle ages.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest: EDC Contest Entry #3 Mike in …
I want to share and discuss the stuff we carry around every day AKA EDC. Taking … The exact makeup is TBD depending on what I have lying around and may include books, gear, medical stuff or even a couple silver dimes.
Quote of the Day
“As a prepper there may be situations where you want to come back and get them (magazines) but don’t get so paranoid about losing your magazine that you get yourself shot.” -Maine Prepper From his video Self defense chest rig and components.
EDC Contest Entry #3 Mike in Wisconsin
Hey Folks, I am pleased to bring the third entry for our EDC Contest. First we will quickly recap what is going on. The broad strokes are this. I want to share and discuss the stuff we carry around every day AKA EDC. Taking pictures of our stuff and talking about it is my goal. Looking both at broad tools (pistol, folding knife, light, multi tool, etc all) and specifically digging into the this vs that of a Wambanger 29 vs a Doohickey A3. The prizes will be as follows: 1st Place: 3 Sport Berkey Water Bottles donated by LPC Survival ($69 value) 2nd Place: 1 Blackhawk Holster donated by…
RE: Bags in EDC Contest
Received a comment about the rules for our EDC Contest today that is worth addressing. First lets review the full rules: The broad strokes are this. I want to share and discuss the stuff we carry around every day AKA EDC. Taking pictures of our stuff and talking about it is my goal. Looking both at broad tools (pistol, folding knife, light, multi tool, etc all) and specifically digging into the this vs that of a Wambanger 29 vs a Doohickey A3. The prizes will be as follows: 1st Place: 3 Sport Berkey Water Bottles donated by LPC Survival ($69 value) 2nd Place: 1 Blackhawk Holster donated by ($50 value) 3rd Place: 1 Snare-Vival-Trap cough garote cough…
EDC Contest Entry #4 Thomas
Hey Folks, I am pleased to bring the first entry for our EDC Contest. First we will quickly recap what is going on. The broad strokes are this. I want to share and discuss the stuff we carry around every day AKA EDC. Taking pictures of our stuff and talking about it is my goal. The prizes will be as follows: 1st Place: 3 Sport Berkey Water Bottles donated by LPC Survival ($69 value) 2nd Place: 1 Blackhawk Holster donated by ($50 value) 3rd Place: 1 Snare-Vival-Trap cough garote cough donated by Camping Survival ($17 value) Wildcard: This one goes to…
Fix Is On- There Wasn’t An AR-15 Involved in Sandy Hook?
So it turns out the asshat who shot all those kids in Connecticut did not have a Bushmaster AR-15 with him at all. This fear driven propaganda is just an excuse to push a totalitiarian socialist progressive agenda to disarm law abiding Americans.
Stuff From The Web: It’s About Controlling People Not Guns
Turns out that hammers and clubs kill more people than rifles in the US. We do not have to imagine a world without guns. Humanity already lived through it during the middle ages.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest: EDC Contest Entry #3 Mike in …
I want to share and discuss the stuff we carry around every day AKA EDC. Taking … The exact makeup is TBD depending on what I have lying around and may include books, gear, medical stuff or even a couple silver dimes.